Time To Die Pt.1

What was added: A Timer! Very cool, you can now speedrun this game which you are obligated to do but now you don’t need a speedrun timer software.

A New logo! It looks very good and I’m planning on working on the rest of the page too so that people actually think this is a real game and not some virus that infects your computer. (Seriously though this isn’t a computer virus, it’s a game where you look at virus models and click.)

Why are there two parts? (This game is so trash and stop pretending people are actually wanting updates stop taking up space on your hard drive): My answer to that is yes

No further questioning, also please don’t download yet just wait a bit till I get the other part out.

Epic Community Q&A:


A: Well yes actually, that’s funny that you mention that. I was actually working on that and it’s now out in this update! I hope you enjoy!


A: NO! Silly you, you’re not my imagination of the non-existent community around this massive game that is taking the hearts of many!


A: A little sneak peek into what the next update is, is that it will bring the aspect of “Die” into the “Time to Die”! And it has two meanings, but you’ll have to wait to find out what I mean!


A: Yes, I am not a part of a company, I’m just an indie game cobbler that uses other people’s work to pretend like I’m good at coding, that was a good question!

Sorry I couldn’t answer all your questions :( I’m trying my best to keep all of you who are definitely reading this entertained and satisfied.

Hope you enjoy the update!

Get VirusMassacre


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Jake: Woah this is such a cool game and I had so much fun with the new update! Thank you for answering some of this massive community’s questions! (I asked the 2nd question hehe)