"good update"

What was added: I fixed lighting on lvl 4 I made balls into viruses (didn’t change locations) I made the file name VirusMassacre for less confustion

I’m working on: fixing the jump bug where you go down if your next to the top of a block also I’m going to add a timer at some point

Credits: JKcruz: Coder, Map Maker, Big brain Verosity: Unpaid virus modeler, emotional support

Filler: (tnjerntun)This big updatemhm 100fps gain next updatemhmh 10/10 reveiwes newyork yes time selling buy one get one free but also its free anyways triple B game “Outstanding” - not a robot


VirusMassacre.zip 22 MB
Jan 23, 2022

Get VirusMassacre


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